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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 35

Title Number Report Issued
Overpayments in the Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program A-01-04-24023 August 26, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: Earnings Suspense File A-15-04-14069 August 20, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Internal Use of Employees' Social Security Numbers A-13-04-24046 August 19, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the District of Columbia Disability Determination Division A-15-04-14052 August 13, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: Management Information Systems Development and Protection A-15-04-14071 August 13, 2004
Payments to Student Beneficiaries Beyond the Maximum Age of Entitlement A-09-04-14050 August 13, 2004
Office of Hearings and Appeals Case File Assembly Contracts A-07-04-24092 August 13, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Nevada Disability Determination Services A-09-04-14009 August 10, 2004
Summary of Fiscal Year 2003 Office of the Inspector General Audits of Representative Payees A-13-04-14067 August 02, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Prisoner Incentive Payment Program A-01-04-24067 July 30, 2004
Enumeration of Children Under Age 1: Opportunity to Reduce the Risk of Improper Social Security Number Attainment A-08-04-14043 July 30, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Monitoring of Potential Employee Systems Security Violations A-14-04-23004 July 27, 2004
Collection of Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Overpayments to Representative Payees for Deceased Beneficiaries A-13-03-13049 July 21, 2004
Title II Underpayments for Deceased Beneficiaries A-03-03-13014 July 21, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Efforts to Address Its Future Workforce Needs A-13-03-13064 July 21, 2004
Social Security Administration Chicago Regional Office's Disability Determination Services Net Accuracy Rate A-07-04-24094 July 19, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Wyoming Disability Determination Services A-07-04-14051 July 16, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Montana Disability Determination Services A-07-04-14016 July 16, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Massachusetts Disability Determination Services A-01-04-14032 July 13, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Badge-Based Personnel Access Systems for Headquarters Buildings (Limited Distribution) A-14-04-24011 July 12, 2004
Disabled Title II Beneficiaries with Earnings Reported on the Master Earnings File A-01-03-13019 July 12, 2004
Creative Alternatives - An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-15-04-14033 June 25, 2004
The Social Security Administration’s Procedures for Addressing Employee Related Allegations in Region II A-02-04-14007 June 24, 2004
Social Security Numbers with More Than One Owner A-03-03-23003 June 23, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Regional Office Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region VIII A-06-04-14075 June 22, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region IV A-04-04-20425 June 22, 2004
Summary of State Disability Determination Services Administrative Cost Audits Completed in Fiscal Years 2000 through 2003 A-15-03-13061 June 18, 2004
Security of the Social Security Administration's National Computer Center Back-up Tapes and Records A-14-04-24101 May 28, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Representative Payee Selection Process A-01-04-14008 May 21, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Regional Office Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region IX A-09-04-14014 May 17, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Policies and Procedures Concerning the Rural Development Act of 1972 A-13-04-24100 May 10, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Michigan Disability Determination Services A-05-03-13036 May 07, 2004
Review of Universities' Issuance of Temporary Social Security Numbers to Foreign Students A-08-04-24018 April 26, 2004
Supplemental Security Income Overpayments A-01-04-24022 April 16, 2004
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of the Family for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 A-77-04-00013 April 15, 2004
Allegations of Mismanagement at the Falls Church, Virginia Office of Hearings and Appeals (Limited Distribution) A-13-04-24081 March 26, 2004
Single Audit of the State of West Virginia for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-04-00012 March 26, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Relocation of the District Office in Jackson, Tennessee A-13-04-24083 March 26, 2004
Project Matrix Step Two: Analysis of the Social Security Administration's Headquarters Complex and the Office of Central Operations (Limited Distribution) A-14-04-24006 March 25, 2004
Single Audit of the State of West Virginia for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 A-77-04-00011 March 25, 2004
Interim Assistance Reimbursement to Los Angeles County, California, Under the Supplemental Security Income Program A-13-02-12039 March 25, 2004
Single Audit of the State of Maine for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 A-77-04-00010 March 24, 2004
Single Audit of the State of Rhode Island for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 A-77-04-00008 March 18, 2004
Conserved Funds for Deceased Beneficiaries with Non-Related Representative Payees A-13-03-23085 March 18, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Oversight of Indirect Costs Claimed by Disability Determination Services A-07-03-23086 March 16, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Texas Disability Determination Services A-15-02-12051 March 11, 2004
Cabinet for Families and Children, Department for Community Based Services, Division of Protection and Permanency - An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-08-03-13084 March 10, 2004
Evaluation of the Accelerated eDib System – Fifth Assessment A-14-04-14057 March 10, 2004
The Social Security Administration’s Regional Office Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region VI A-06-03-13075 March 08, 2004
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