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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 34

Title Number Report Issued
Access to Secured Areas in Region I Hearing Offices A-01-05-15070 January 31, 2005
Single Audit of the State of New York for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003 A-77-05-00006 January 19, 2005
Performance Indicator Audit: General Observations A-15-05-25096 January 06, 2005
Single Audit of the State of Idaho for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 A-77-05-00005 December 28, 2004
Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program A-02-03-13079 December 20, 2004
Universities' Use of Social Security Numbers as Student Identifiers in Region IV A-08-05-15034 December 09, 2004
Individual Representative Payees for the Social Security Administration in the Boston Region A-01-05-15048 December 08, 2004
Single Audit of the State of Colorado for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 A-77-05-00004 December 07, 2004
Single Audit of the State of South Carolina for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 A-77-05-00003 December 02, 2004
Disclosure Statement Review of Maximus, Inc. Home Office and Health Operations Divisions A-15-04-34097 November 23, 2004
Proper Disposal of Sensitive Documents at the Social Security Administration's Headquarters (Limited Distribution) A-15-04-24103 November 17, 2004
Single Audit of the State of Maine for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 A-77-05-00002 November 17, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: Productivity A-15-04-14073 November 17, 2004
Single Audit of the State of Arizona for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003 A-77-05-00001 November 16, 2004
Top Issues Facing Social Security Administration Management—Fiscal Year 2005 A-44-05-25111 November 10, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: Disability Determination Services Net Accuracy Rate--Allowances and Denials Combined A-15-04-14074 November 10, 2004
Oversight of the Fiscal Year 2004 Financial Statement Audit A-15-04-34084 November 10, 2004
Inspector General Statement on the Social Security Administration's Major Management Challenges A-02-05-15092 November 10, 2004
Seattle Mental Health Institute – An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-09-04-14015 October 26, 2004
Employers with the Most Suspended Wage Items in the 5-Year Period 1997 through 2001 A-03-03-13048 October 26, 2004
Social Security Administration's Controls Over the Title XVI Overpayment Waiver Process A-06-03-13077 October 25, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: Processing Time A-02-04-14072 October 25, 2004
Management of Allegations by the Social Security Administration's Office of Systems A-13-04-14047 October 15, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Compliance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act A-14-04-24099 October 14, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Clean-Up of Title II Disability Insurance Cases with a Workers' Compensation Offset A-04-03-13042 October 14, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the South Carolina Disability Determination Services A-04-04-14053 October 07, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region I A-01-04-14091 October 07, 2004
Family Services, Inc., of Charleston, South Carolina, A Fee-for-Service Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-13-04-14002 October 01, 2004
Fiscal Year 2004 Evaluation of the Social Security Administration’s Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act A-14-04-14040 September 30, 2004
Survey of Educational Institutions' Issuance of Work Authorization Documents to Foreign Students A-08-04-24102 September 30, 2004
Mental Health Center of Boulder County, Inc. – An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-06-04-14038 September 29, 2004
Social Security Administration's Regional Office Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region III A-03-04-14044 September 23, 2004
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Minnesota Disability Determination Services A-05-04-14036 September 21, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: Employment for Disabled Beneficiaries A-02-04-14068 September 20, 2004
The Impact on Network Security of the Social Security Administration's Operating Systems' Conversion A-14-04-24019 September 17, 2004
Puerto Rico Disability Determination Program Indirect Cost Review A-06-04-34035 September 16, 2004
Individuals Receiving Multiple Childhood Disability Benefits A-01-04-24078 September 16, 2004
The Effectiveness of Policies and Procedures Used to Identify Incarcerated Representative Payees A-02-04-14031 September 16, 2004
New York State Disability Determination Program Indirect Costs A-02-04-24017 September 13, 2004
Evaluation of the Accelerated eDib System – Sixth Assessment A-14-04-15005 September 10, 2004
Indirect Costs Claimed by the Connecticut Disability Determination Services A-15-03-23041 September 07, 2004
Summary of Single Audit Oversight Activities for May 2003 through April 2004 A-07-04-14063 September 03, 2004
Performance Indicator Audit: President's Management Agenda Related Initiatives A-15-04-14070 September 03, 2004
Best Practices in the Highest Producing Hearing Offices A-12-04-14020 August 31, 2004
Compliance with Policies and Procedures When Processing Noncitizen Social Security Number Applications at Foreign Service Posts A-08-04-14060 August 30, 2004
Brooklyn Social Security Card Center’s Compliance with Policies and Procedures When Processing Noncitizen Social Security Number Applications A-08-04-14061 August 30, 2004
The Social Security Administration's Procedures for Addressing Employee-Related Allegations in Region V A-05-04-14086 August 30, 2004
Field Offices' Compliance with Policies and Procedures When Processing Noncitizen Social Security Number Applications A-08-04-14005 August 30, 2004
Disability Determination Services' Claims Processing Performance A-07-03-13054 August 30, 2004
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