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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 37

Title Number Report Issued
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Illinois Bureau of Disability Determination Services A-05-02-22019 August 18, 2003
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency Review of Critical Infrastructure Protection Program - Cyber-based Infrastructure (Limited Distribution) A-14-03-23001 August 15, 2003
The Social Security Administration's Government Travel Card Program A-13-03-23088 August 15, 2003
The Connecticut Mental Health Center, Money Management Program - An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-13-03-23009 August 14, 2003
Audit of Cottonwood, Incorporated, - An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration (Limited Distribution) A-07-03-13024 August 04, 2003
Follow-up on Prior Office of the Inspector General Prisoner Audits A-01-02-12018 July 24, 2003
The Social Security Administration's Policies and Procedures Concerning the Rural Development Act of 1972 A-13-03-23087 July 24, 2003
Title II Disability Insurance Benefits with Workers' Compensation Underpayment Errors Exceeding $70,000 A-04-02-21054 July 23, 2003
Audit of the Community Counseling Centers of Chicago – A Fee-for-Service Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-13-03-13002 July 15, 2003
Evaluation of the Accelerated eDib System - Fourth Assessment A-14-03-23069 July 10, 2003
Best Practices in Federal Paper Records Management A-04-03-13030 June 23, 2003
Sierra Regional Center – An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-09-03-23023 June 20, 2003
Data Matching with Foreign Countries A-13-03-23015 June 17, 2003
Follow-up Review of Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Benefits Paid to Deceased Auxiliary Beneficiaries A-01-03-13037 June 13, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Payment Accuracy A-15-02-11086 June 06, 2003
Pending Workers' Compensation: The Social Security Administration Can Prevent Millions in Title II Disability Overpayments A-08-02-12064 June 06, 2003
Administrative Costs Claimed by the New York Disability Determination Division A-15-00-20053 June 04, 2003
Use of State Bureaus of Vital Statistics Records to Detect Unreported Marriages and Divorces A-09-00-30059 June 02, 2003
Audit of Administrative Costs Claimed by the California Disability Determination Services A-09-02-22022 May 07, 2003
Audit of Atlantis Rehabilitation and Nursing Center - A Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-02-03-13013 May 06, 2003
Assessment of the Social Security Administration’s Performance Measures A-02-02-12050 April 30, 2003
The Social Security Administration's Site Reviews of Representative Payees A-13-01-11042 April 30, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Enumeration A-02-02-11088 April 30, 2003
Review of the Social Security Number Feedback Pilot Project A-03-03-13017 April 28, 2003
The Social Security Administration's Workers' Compensation Data Match with the State of Texas A-06-03-13022 April 15, 2003
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of the Family for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00011 March 20, 2003
The Social Security Administration's Processing of Internal Revenue Service Overstated Wage Referrals A-03-02-22068 March 18, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Paperless/Electronic Processing A-15-02-11084 March 18, 2003
Social Security Administration Benefits Related to Unauthorized Work A-03-03-23053 March 18, 2003
Screening Representative Payees for Fugitive Warrants A-01-02-12032 March 14, 2003
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of the Family for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 A-77-03-00010 March 12, 2003
Federal Agencies' Controls Over the Access, Disclosure and Use of Social Security Numbers by External Entities A-08-03-13050 March 11, 2003
Disability Determination Services' Use of Volume Consultative Examination Providers A-07-02-12049 March 10, 2003
Analysis of Multiple, Unrelated Title II Payments to the Same Bank Account A-15-01-11033 March 03, 2003
Referring Potentially Fraudulent Enumeration Applications to the Office of the Inspector General A-14-03-23052 March 03, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Postentitlement Automation Rate A-15-02-32092 February 26, 2003
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Disability Determination Program A-06-02-22072 February 12, 2003
Single Audit of the State of Rhode Island for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00009 February 10, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Customer Satisfaction A-02-02-11082 February 04, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Wage Reporting A-15-02-11087 January 28, 2003
Single Audit of the State of New York for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2001 A-77-03-00008 January 27, 2003
The Social Security Administration's Efforts to Process Death Reports and Improve its Death Master File A-09-03-23067 January 24, 2003
Performance Indicator Audit: Electronic Access A-15-02-11083 January 23, 2003
Single Audit of the State of New Mexico Department of Education for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00007 January 16, 2003
Review of the Social Security Administration’s Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Performance Plan A-02-02-12033 January 07, 2003
Review of Social Security Administration Controls over the Access, Disclosure and Use of Social Security Numbers by External Entities A-08-02-22071 December 30, 2002
Physical Security for the Social Security Administration's Laptop Computers, Cellular Telephones, and Pagers (Limited Distribution) A-14-02-32061 December 24, 2002
Evaluation of the Accelerated eDib System - Third Assessment A-14-03-13047 December 20, 2002
Financial-Related Audit of the Harris County Guardianship Program – an Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-04-02-12020 December 16, 2002
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