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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 17

Title Number Report Issued
Benefit Payments Managed by Representative Payees of Children in Pennsylvania’s State Foster Care Programs A-13-12-11245 December 04, 2012
Controls over Payments Made to Claimant Representatives at the Hearings Level A-05-12-11239 December 04, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 for Fiscal Year 2012 A-14-12-12120 November 15, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2012 A-15-12-11286 November 08, 2012
Fiscal Year 2012 Inspector General Statement on the Social Security Administration’s Major Management and Performance Challenges A-02-13-13041 November 08, 2012
Termination of Disability Benefits Following a Continuing Disability Review Cessation Determination A-07-12-11211 November 01, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Applicants with Earnings Received After Their Disability Onset Dates and Before Favorable Hearing Decisions A-02-10-20128 October 26, 2012
Monitoring Controls for the Consent Based Social Security Number Verification Program A-03-12-11201 October 25, 2012
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Connecticut Disability Determination Services A-01-12-12104 October 18, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Recipients Whose Medicare Benefits Were Terminated Due to Death A-01-11-01135 October 12, 2012
Accuracy of the Social Security Administration’s Numident A-08-12-11280 October 03, 2012
Beneficiaries Incorrectly Identified as Prisoners A-01-11-01120 October 03, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Plan to Reduce Improper Payments Under Executive Order 13520, as Reported in March 2012 A-15-12-12141 September 27, 2012
Disabled Individuals with Mental Impairments in Need of a Representative Payee A-07-11-11110 September 27, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Recipients with Automated Teller Machine Withdrawals Outside the United States A-01-11-01122 September 27, 2012
Cloud Computing at the Social Security Administration A-14-12-11226 September 24, 2012
The Physical Security of the Social Security Administration’s Contractor Owned and Operated Off-site Storage Facility A-14-12-11227 September 14, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Foreign Enforcement Questionnaires A-13-10-11098 September 14, 2012
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Mississippi Disability Determination Services A-08-12-11294 September 14, 2012
Administrative Payments Vendor File A-06-11-01139 September 14, 2012
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of the Family for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A-77-12-00012 September 11, 2012
Single Audit of the State of Alabama for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2010 A-77-12-00011 September 07, 2012
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A-77-12-00010 September 07, 2012
CESSI, Division of Axiom Resource Management, Incorporated, Indirect Cost Rate Proposals for Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010 (Limited Distribution) A-13-12-11249 September 05, 2012
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Virginia Disability Determination Services A-03-12-11207 August 27, 2012
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review’s Process for Scheduling Hearings When Cases are in “Ready to Schedule” Status A-08-12-21293 August 21, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Implementation of the Future Systems Technology Advisory Panel Recommendations A-14-12-11222 August 20, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Payments to Multi-recipient Households A-06-09-29149 August 07, 2012
The Gold Crest Care Center - An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-02-11-11161 August 06, 2012
Using Medicare Claim Data to Identify Deceased Beneficiaries A-08-09-19105 August 02, 2012
Single Audit of the State of Illinois for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A-77-12-00009 July 31, 2012
The Social Security Administration's PC Mall Gov, Incorporated, Contract A-14-11-01133 July 31, 2012
Significance of Administrative Finality in the Social Security Administration’s Programs A-08-11-21107 July 26, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Selection Process for Quick Disability Determinations A-15-11-11175 July 19, 2012
Beneficiaries Who Had Not Cashed Their Social Security Checks Within 1 Year A-09-10-20133 July 19, 2012
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funds Used for Health Information Technology Contracts A-15-11-11199 July 19, 2012
Single Audit of the State of New York for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010 A-77-12-00008 July 18, 2012
Controls over Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Replacement Checks for Beneficiaries Who Double Negotiated Benefit Checks A-02-10-10127 July 18, 2012
Direct Deposit Changes Initiated by the Social Security Administration’s National 800-Number Staff (Limited Distribution) A-02-12-21272 July 10, 2012
Title II Deceased Beneficiaries Who Do Not Have Death Information on the Numident A-09-11-21171 July 09, 2012
Northview Village, Inc., an Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-07-11-01137 June 21, 2012
Puerto Rico Disability Determination Program A-06-11-01132 June 21, 2012
Benefit Payments Managed by Representative Payees of Children in Foster Care in the Social Security Administration’s Chicago Region A-13-11-21105 June 18, 2012
The Social Security Administration Cost Allocation Methodology A-15-10-20152 June 18, 2012
Current and Expanded Use of Video Hearings A-05-12-21287 June 18, 2012
Contingency Plans to Maintain Operations if Delays Occur in the Construction of the Social Security Administration’s New Data Center (Limited Distribution) A-14-12-11237 June 12, 2012
Disabled Individuals Potentially Eligible as Auxiliary Child Beneficiaries A-13-10-10146 June 12, 2012
Representative Payees’ Ability to Monitor the Individual Needs of a Large Volume of Beneficiaries A-04-11-11146 June 12, 2012
Restricted Countries - Controls over Internet Claim Applications and Payments to Beneficiaries A-05-10-20180 June 05, 2012
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