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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 16

Title Number Report Issued
Single Audit of the State of Nebraska for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 A-77-13-00004 February 26, 2013
Interagency Agreements with the Office of Personnel Management for Administrative Law Judge Services A-05-12-22144 February 14, 2013
Overall Processing Times for 2010 Childhood Supplemental Security Income Claims A-04-12-11230 February 08, 2013
Sanctioned Medical Providers and Medical Evidence of Record A-01-13-23064 February 08, 2013
Single Audit of the State of Oklahoma for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 A-77-13-00002 February 07, 2013
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Texas Disability Determination Services A-06-12-11283 February 04, 2013
The Social Security Administration’s Disability Research Consortium A-01-13-23051 February 01, 2013
Usefulness of Department of Homeland Security Travel Data to Identify Supplemental Security Income Recipients Who Are Outside the United States A-01-11-01142 February 01, 2013
Dually Entitled Beneficiaries Who Are Subject to the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset A-09-12-11210 January 31, 2013
Access to Social Security Administration Data at the Disability Determination Services A-15-11-01127 January 29, 2013
Single Audit of the Hawaii Department of Human Services for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 A-77-13-00001 January 25, 2013
Identifying and Monitoring Risk Factors at Hearing Offices A-12-12-11289 January 24, 2013
Controls over Direct Deposit Changes Initiated in Field Offices (Limited Distribution) A-06-12-22101 January 23, 2013
Individuals Hiding Self-Employment Income to Receive Disability Insurance Benefits A-07-12-11268 January 11, 2013
The Social Security Administration’s Reporting of High-dollar Overpayments Under Executive Order 13520 in Fiscal Year 2012 A-15-13-13068 December 28, 2012
Memorandum of Understanding Between the General Services Administration and the Social Security Administration for Space and Service A-15-13-23043 December 28, 2012
Controls over the Enrollment Process with the Direct Express® Debit Card Program (Limited Distribution) A-15-12-21273 December 21, 2012
Direct Deposit Changes Initiated Through Financial Institutions and the Social Security Administration’s Internet and Automated 800-Number Applications (Limited Distribution) A-14-12-21271 December 20, 2012
Childhood Disability Beneficiaries with an Incorrect Waiting Period A-09-11-21158 December 20, 2012
Personnel Costs and Hiring Practices of the Georgia Disability Adjudication Services A-04-12-22135 December 20, 2012
The Social Security Administration's Development of Earnings Alerts for Supplemental Security Income Recipients A-02-11-11185 December 20, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Decisions A-13-12-22143 December 11, 2012
Accumulated Funds Payable to Beneficiaries or Their Representative Payees A-09-12-21236 December 11, 2012
Genesis Eldercare Catonsville Commons, an Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-13-12-11267 December 10, 2012
Training and Development of Hearing Office Group Supervisors A-12-12-11240 December 10, 2012
Deceased Beneficiaries Who Had Different Dates of Death on the Social Security Administration’s Numident and Payment Records A-09-12-11220 December 10, 2012
Noncitizens Issued Multiple Social Security Numbers A-06-10-20155 December 10, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Recipients Eligible for, or Receiving, Russian Pensions A-01-12-21238 December 10, 2012
Benefit Payments Managed by Representative Payees of Children in Pennsylvania’s State Foster Care Programs A-13-12-11245 December 04, 2012
Controls over Payments Made to Claimant Representatives at the Hearings Level A-05-12-11239 December 04, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 for Fiscal Year 2012 A-14-12-12120 November 15, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2012 A-15-12-11286 November 08, 2012
Fiscal Year 2012 Inspector General Statement on the Social Security Administration’s Major Management and Performance Challenges A-02-13-13041 November 08, 2012
Termination of Disability Benefits Following a Continuing Disability Review Cessation Determination A-07-12-11211 November 01, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Applicants with Earnings Received After Their Disability Onset Dates and Before Favorable Hearing Decisions A-02-10-20128 October 26, 2012
Monitoring Controls for the Consent Based Social Security Number Verification Program A-03-12-11201 October 25, 2012
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Connecticut Disability Determination Services A-01-12-12104 October 18, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Recipients Whose Medicare Benefits Were Terminated Due to Death A-01-11-01135 October 12, 2012
Accuracy of the Social Security Administration’s Numident A-08-12-11280 October 03, 2012
Beneficiaries Incorrectly Identified as Prisoners A-01-11-01120 October 03, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Plan to Reduce Improper Payments Under Executive Order 13520, as Reported in March 2012 A-15-12-12141 September 27, 2012
Disabled Individuals with Mental Impairments in Need of a Representative Payee A-07-11-11110 September 27, 2012
Supplemental Security Income Recipients with Automated Teller Machine Withdrawals Outside the United States A-01-11-01122 September 27, 2012
Cloud Computing at the Social Security Administration A-14-12-11226 September 24, 2012
The Physical Security of the Social Security Administration’s Contractor Owned and Operated Off-site Storage Facility A-14-12-11227 September 14, 2012
The Social Security Administration’s Foreign Enforcement Questionnaires A-13-10-11098 September 14, 2012
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Mississippi Disability Determination Services A-08-12-11294 September 14, 2012
Administrative Payments Vendor File A-06-11-01139 September 14, 2012
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of the Family for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 A-77-12-00012 September 11, 2012
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