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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 38

Title Number Report Issued
Single Audit of the State of Montana for the 2-Year Period Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00006 December 16, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Maine for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00005 December 12, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Louisiana for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00004 December 11, 2002
Fiscal Year 2002 Quick Response Activities Summary Report A-13-03-13031 December 04, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Ohio for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00003 November 21, 2002
Fiscal Year 2002 Financial Statement Audit A-15-02-12075 November 19, 2002
Status of the Social Security Administration's Earnings Suspense File A-03-03-23038 November 18, 2002
Inspector General Statement on the Social Security Administration's Major Management Challenges A-02-03-13034 November 15, 2002
Single Audit of the State of New Hampshire for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00002 November 12, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Illinois for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-03-00001 October 31, 2002
Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Payments to Deceased Beneficiaries and Recipients A-06-02-12012 October 30, 2002
The Social Security Administration's Oversight of the Disability Determination Services' Systems Security (Limited Distribution) A-14-02-22026 October 24, 2002
Audit of the Administrative Costs Claimed by the Kansas Disability Determination Services A-07-02-22003 October 23, 2002
Identifying Representative Payees Who Had Their Own Benefits Suspended Under the Fugitive Provisions of Public Law 104-193 A-01-02-12073 October 10, 2002
Status of Corrective Actions Taken in Response to Recommendations in Fiscal Years 1997 Through 2000 Payment Accuracy Task Force Reports A-13-01-21046 October 09, 2002
Financial-Related Audit of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services - An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-13-02-12010 October 08, 2002
Limited Review of Connecticut Disability Determination Services' Lease Costs A-15-02-22040 October 03, 2002
Social Security Administration's Data Exchange with Other Agencies (Limited Distribution) A-14-02-12037 September 26, 2002
Administrative Costs Claimed by the North Dakota Disability Determination Services A-15-02-12036 September 25, 2002
Financial-Related Audit of Denver Department of Human Services – An Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-05-02-12024 September 23, 2002
Social Security Administration's Management of Congressional Inquiries A-13-02-12011 September 23, 2002
Summary of Single Audit Oversight Activities October 2000 Through April 2002 A-07-02-32035 September 20, 2002
Status of the Social Security Administration's Implementation of Fiscal Year 2000 Management Letter Issues A-15-02-12046 September 20, 2002
Impact on the Social Security Administration's Programs When Auxiliary Beneficiaries Do Not Have Their Own Social Security Numbers A-01-02-22006 September 20, 2002
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Alabama Disability Determination Service A-08-01-11050 September 19, 2002
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Alabama Disability Determination Service A-08-01-11050 September 19, 2002
Financial-Related Audit of the Florida Department of Children and Families - District 6, an Organizational Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-08-02-12007 September 17, 2002
Effectiveness of the Social Security Administration's Death Termination Process A-09-02-22023 September 17, 2002
Controls to Prevent Supplemental Security Income Payments to Recipients Living in Foreign Countries A-01-02-12013 September 13, 2002
Social Security Administration Employees with Title XVI Overpayment Write-offs A-04-99-64005 September 12, 2002
Review of Internal Controls for the Supplemental Security Income Immediate Payment Process A-05-00-10045 September 10, 2002
The Social Security Administration Continues Assigning Original Social Security Numbers To Foreign-Born Individuals Who Present Invalid Evidentiary Documents A-08-02-12056 August 22, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Maryland for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-02-00015 August 21, 2002
Effectiveness of the Social Security Administration's Earnings After Death Process A-03-01-11035 August 19, 2002
Pilot Strategy for the Use of Stored Value Cards in the Social Security Administration's Representative Payment Program A-13-02-22096 August 12, 2002
Integrity of the Supplemental Security Income Program A-01-02-22095 August 08, 2002
Summary of Financial-Related Audits of Representative Payees for the Social Security Administration A-13-00-10065 August 05, 2002
Performance Measure Review: Reliability of the Data Used to Measure the Supplemental Security Income Non-Disability Redeterminations Completed A-02-99-11003 August 05, 2002
Case Folder Storage and Retrieval at the Social Security Administration’s Megasite Records Center A-04-99-62006 August 01, 2002
Performance Measure Review: Assessing the Methodology Used to Determine the Number of Hearings Cases Processed Per Work Year A-06-01-11037 August 01, 2002
Regional Reviews May Disclose State Disability Determination Services' Usage of Social Security Administration Computer Equipment for Non-Program Computer Purposes A-15-00-20050 July 30, 2002
Performance Measure Review: Reliability of the Data Used to Measure Electronic Service Delivery A-14-01-11032 July 30, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Florida for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 A-77-02-00014 July 26, 2002
The Social Security Administration Can Recover Millions in Medicare Premiums Related to Retirement or Disability Payments Made after Death A-08-02-12029 July 03, 2002
Effectiveness of the Social Security Administration's Decentralized Correspondence Process A-03-01-11034 July 03, 2002
Follow-up Evaluation of the Use of Official Time for Union Activities at the Social Security Administration A-13-01-11005 June 26, 2002
Continuing Disability Reviews for Supplemental Security Income Recipients Approved Based on Low Birth Weight A-01-02-12031 June 26, 2002
Analysis of Information Concerning Representative Payee Misuse of Beneficiaries’ Payments A-13-01-11004 June 25, 2002
Single Audit of the State of Delaware for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2001 A-77-02-00013 June 24, 2002
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