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Published Reports from the Office of Audit - page 21

Title Number Report Issued
The Social Security Administration's Reporting of High-Dollar Overpayments Under Executive Order 13520 A-15-10-21142 December 30, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Voice over Internet Protocol Contract A-14-09-19045 December 28, 2010
Performance Indicator Audit - Electronic Service Delivery A-15-10-11073 December 27, 2010
Single Audit of the State of Ohio for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00008 December 20, 2010
Single Audit of the State of Arizona for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00007 December 20, 2010
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review Hearing Request Dismissals A-07-10-20171 December 14, 2010
Single Audit of the State of Illinois for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00006 December 14, 2010
Accuracy of Diagnosis Codes in the Social Security Administration’s Databases A-06-09-19128 December 08, 2010
Social Security Administration Employees' Use of Discounted Airfares A-02-09-29089 December 08, 2010
Single Audit of the State of Colorado for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00005 December 01, 2010
Threats Against Social Security Administration Employees or Property A-06-10-20123 November 30, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Informing Beneficiaries of Domestic Electronic Banking Options A-15-09-19075 November 30, 2010
Job Information Used in the Social Security Administration's Disability Claims Adjudication Process A-01-10-21024 November 30, 2010
Claimant Representative Fees Paid Through the Social Security Administration’s One-Time Payment System A-04-10-11026 November 24, 2010
Single Audit of the Government of the District of Columbia for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2009 A-77-11-00003 November 24, 2010
Single Audit of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00004 November 24, 2010
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review Decision-Writing Process A-02-09-19068 November 17, 2010
Indirect Costs Claimed by the California Disability Determination Services A-09-10-11079 November 16, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Controls for Ensuring the Removal of Sensitive Data from Excessed Computer Equipment A-14-10-11003 November 10, 2010
Fiscal Year 2010 Evaluation of the Social Security Administration's Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act A-14-10-20109 November 10, 2010
Dedicated Account Underpayments Payable to Children A-09-09-29110 November 10, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Facilities Management A-13-11-21110 November 10, 2010
Identifying Requirements for the Disability Case Processing System Based on Findings from Prior Audits A-44-10-20101 November 09, 2010
Single Audit of the State of California for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00002 November 09, 2010
Field Office Workload Related to Nonconfirmation Responses from the Employment Verification Program A-03-09-19052 November 09, 2010
Fiscal Year 2010 Inspector General Statement on the Social Security Administration's Major Management and Performance Challenges A-02-11-11131 November 08, 2010
Fiscal Year 2010 Financial Statement Audit Oversight A-15-10-10113 November 08, 2010
Monitoring Controls for the Help America Vote Verification Program A-03-09-29114 November 05, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Disaster Recovery Capabilities (Limited Distribution) A-14-11-21138 November 01, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Approval and Monitoring of the Use of Software A-14-10-21082 October 27, 2010
Customer Waiting Times in the Social Security Administration's Field Offices A-04-10-11034 October 27, 2010
Single Audit of the State of Montana for the 2-Year Period Ended June 30, 2009 A-77-11-00001 October 21, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Financial Literacy Research Consortium A-08-10-20181 October 15, 2010
Federal Employees Receiving Both Federal Employees' Compensation Act and Disability Insurance Payments A-15-09-19008 October 14, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Use of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funds to Administer Economic Recovery Payments A-06-10-10124 September 30, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Plan to Reduce Improper Payments Under Executive Order 13520 A-15-10-20163 September 30, 2010
Controls over Single Payment System Payments A-02-09-29123 September 30, 2010
Training Expenditures at the Social Security Administration A-05-10-10118 September 30, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Cost Estimates for the Consent Based Social Security Number Verification Program A-03-10-21060 September 30, 2010
Administrative Costs Claimed by the Kansas Disability Determination Services A-07-09-19093 September 28, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Process for Identifying and Preventing Improper Payments to Individuals Who Return to Work A-01-11-21043 September 28, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Risk of Making Payments to Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism A-08-10-20131 September 27, 2010
Economic Recovery Payments for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Beneficiaries A-09-10-11017 September 24, 2010
Safe Haven, A Fee-for-Service Representative Payee for the Social Security Administration A-07-10-21062 September 21, 2010
Delivery Order with Softmart Government Services, Inc., for Microsoft Licensing and Maintenance A-06-10-11019 September 17, 2010
Political Appointees' Role in the Social Security Administration's Freedom of Information Act Requests A-15-10-20185 September 17, 2010
Contract Audit of Hewlett Packard A-04-10-11012 September 15, 2010
The Social Security Administration's Use of Limitation on Administrative Expenses Funds A-15-10-21085 September 01, 2010
Supplemental Security Income Overpayment Notices Not Sent A-01-09-19037 August 30, 2010
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