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Office of Audit

The Office of Audit conducts comprehensive financial, information technology, and performance audits of SSA’s programs and operations. These audits identify opportunities for improvement and recommend corrective action to shape change in SSA programs and operations, leading to increased efficiency and greater effectiveness. Audit work is performed in accordance with government auditing standards, as appropriate. The Office also conducts short-term management and program reviews focused on issues of concern to SSA, Congress, and the public 

Annually, the Office of Audit identifies the Major Management and Performance Challenges facing SSA as it strives to fulfill its mission. The office develops a dynamic audit work plan to address the areas identified.  To provide additional transparency the Office publishes a list of ongoing audits.  

The office consists of seven Program Audit Divisions, a Financial Audit Division, and an Information Technology Audit Division. The divisions are located throughout the country. 

  • The Program Audit Divisions conducts audits of SSA’s programs and operations to ensure they are working effectively, efficiently, economically, ethically, and equitably. 
  • The Financial Audit Division performs financial audits required by the Chief Financial Officers’ Act of 1990. These audits assess whether SSA’s financial statements fairly present the agency’s financial position, results of operations, and projections related to the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance trust funds.  
  • The Information Technology Audit Division performs information technology audits, including audits required by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014. They assess and test the effectiveness of SSA’s information security policies, procedures, and practices.

Executive Staff

Assistant Inspector General for Audit 

Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Financial, Systems, and Operations Audits 

Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Program Audits and Evaluations

office of audit

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